This is the first website that I have ever made. I hope that it turns out well!
It's challenging to create my own website right now, but as Julie Andrews says:
Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.
Hopefully, after this class I will be comfortable creating a website.
The first idea that I have is to create a website for my classroom. The website would contain information for parents such as a calendar, important forms, and study guides. Also, the website will have tools for students. There could be links to online games and tools. There could also be a place for online activities that students can work on at their own pace.
Another idea that I had was to create a business website for my mom's office. She owns her own small business, but isn't very techy. If I were to create a website for her it would have a welcome/bio page, a place for clients to request appointments, a place for potential clients to contact her, and a FAQ page.